Real. Arctic. Culture.
Real. Arctic. Land.
Real. Arctic. Light.
Real. Arctic. Tourist.
Real. Arctic. Native.
Real. Arctic. Air.
Real Arctic is the main product line designed and produced for Arctíc [Un]Límíted by Jérémie McGowan og Amund Sjølie Sveen.
Tying these products together is a genuine interest in and commitment to the complexity found in contemporary Arctic societies. Stereotypes exist for reasons deeply rooted in history, politics, and changing socio-economic dynamics. In the Arctic—perhaps more so than other places in the world today—not everything is as it seems. Some things may seem very disconnected from the ‘true north’ yet are created and valued by ‘true northerners,’ while other things may appear authentically local but have little or nothing to do with northern places and communities. Real. Arctic. products embrace these conflicting tendencies, aiming for both critical clarity and necessary confusion.
The Real. Arctic. product line is inspired by the classical orchestra of Northern Norway, which used to be called the Northern Norwegian Opera and Symphony Orchestra. In 2019 it rebranded itself as the ‘Arctic Philharmonic’ and currently uses the slogan ‘Real. Arctic. Passion.’